
Warrantless Wiretapping Town Hall

This is a great webcast on the topic of the NSA warrantless spying on Americans case. The ACLU has a case pending in court, and has a page hosting the Town Hall meeting.

The guy 2nd from the left is Bruce Fein, who was the Deputy Attorney General in the Reagan Administration. He's got impeccable Conservative and Republican credentials, and at this point, he's kinda fiery. I've watched him over the last year or so get more frustrated with the legal contortions the Bush Administration has been engaging in. With the advent of the warrantless spying case, he's pretty ticked. This is the kind of Republican I like, as a Libertarian Democrat (McCain need not apply).

There are a couple other people on the panel, but it's basically a Bruce Fein show, and it's spectacular. You can listen to all of it, but 13:32 and 25:18 is where I would begin if I were you.

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